The Maison Médical has a shortage of general practitioners. For the 4,000 patients in the area, there is now only one (Dutch speaking) GP and that is one (or even two) too little.
In the new Maison Medical, the majority of the administration is taken care of, and you spend all the time on the patients. House visit for older patients and a weekend duty every 4 weeks. Many Dutch patients are also waiting for a GP who speaks their language. The earnings are good and we can help you with your registration, finding accommodation etc.
Chateau Chinon is the capital of the Regional Parc "Le Morvan", the green heart of Burgundy, where Francois Mitterand was once mayor. In the beautiful surroundings it is nice to live and driving a car is a pleasure. You can count on 5 years of tax exemption and a welcome bonus from the regional government.