Missions: Consultations and operative interventions at Polyclinic. Exclusive and permanent care. Cancer
The profile
• Practitioner registered or quickly writable to the Council of the Order of Doctors, from the private and the public, practicing in sector 1 or 2.
• Qualified urologist
• Autonomous, organized, wishing to invest on the long term in the projects of the establishment
The Polyclinique du Cotentin is a private health, surgical and follow-up care and rehabilitation, located in Cherbourg Cotentin, in the territory of the North Cotentin, which includes a population of 200 000 inhabitants or nearly half of inhabitants of the department of Manche. It is thus the only private MCO establishment on its territory.
With the presence on our establishment of medical imaging services (conventional radiology, scanner and scintigraphy), the medical analysis laboratory and numerous medical professionals, our surgical and follow-up department is organized to intervene in many areas of surgery. and medicine: digestive, urological, orthopedic, vascular, thoracic, gynecological, medically assisted procreation, maxillofacial, plastic, ophthalmological, endoscopic, gastroenterological, stomatological, otorhinolaryngological. Our organization allows us to receive priority programmed surgery but also a significant number of "emergencies" addressed.
She holds
• 4 authorizations (Surgery, Specialized oncological surgeries, Cosmetic surgery and follow-up care and rehabilitation),
• has 125 beds (20 in SSR, 59 in complete hospitalization, 5 in continuing care and 36 ambulatory),
• 7 operating theaters (including a room dedicated to endoscopy) and perform more than 10,000 surgical procedures each year.
The Polyclinic has many development projects and wants to integrate practitioners with a real desire to develop their business, to get involved in the dynamism of the establishment. In return, the Institutional Direction and the practicing physicians will make every effort to facilitate the integration of the future physician.