
Here you find just a selection of jobs. If you cannot find your job, please mail us and we can offer you a job for your speciality.

Company doctor in the middle of the champagne area.

First aid physician for regional hospital in Nevers (950 beds)

Around Chatillon sur Seine are several villages without a doctor. With the location in Chatillon you can operate a nice area for your practice.

The north of the Cote d'Or (one of the departments of Burgundy) is looking for a company doctor with Chatillon sur seine as a location.

Anesthesiologist, in many places in France

Pediatricians are asked everywhere in France. For more information, contact us.

Here is a vacancy for a pediatrician at hospital Hotel Dieu.

Le Croix Rouge de Nevers (Burgundy) is looking for an occupational therapist or psychomotoric therapist. You are employed 35 hours a week. You get a car with a red cross and you visit the patients at home. So a lot of touring through the beautiful French countryside.

The village of Corveissiat in the Rhone-Alpes, not far from Bourg-en-Bresse, is looking for a general practitioner. The village has 600 inhabitants, including 90 school-age children and even more inhabitants in the area.

Missions: Consultations and operative interventions at Polyclinic. Exclusive and permanent care. Cancer